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In this blog read about the most common stuff that we find important. Please note the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

Couple Counselling First INitial Booking Watershed counselling

We want to communicate better, manage expectations and be more united in our relationship. We are seeking to be a stronger couple while raising kids. We want to stick together and enjoy it while we are at it. Take a deep breath in and two deep breaths out!

Blog Is this a relationship or a fling

Am I not good enough? Which part of me shows up at home?


End it. Why are you scared?

Watershed Counselling FAQ

From the age of 8, our children are starting to discover their identities. It is extremely important to allow and encourage this transformation. This transformation is accompanied by growing symptoms that may bother us. Protecting our teenagers’ identity.

family of four walking at the street

When I ran my first marathon at Sydney Blackmore Festival in 2014, it felt like one of the most significant achievements of my life. Training took over 5 months. While I was training, my endurance and resilience grew greatly.

EBooks First Initial Teenagers Youth

We want to understand the people that we know but we assume the worst because we judge the words that are said in anger. The words that someone says when they are angry may be just the iceberg of how they are truly feeling. To understand a friend – when they’re struggling – we must understand the words that are not said.

Couple Counselling First INitial Booking Watershed counselling

Most adults lie to their children about sex. We do a lot of lying including Christmas, naughty and nice, Easter bunny chocolate conundrum, and so on. Well, sex lying is serious stuff, and messing it up can do a great amount of damage.

Watershed Counselling Individual Teenager Youth booking online

First of all, what is your end goal? For your child to see a counselor. How do I get my teenager to see a counselor?

watershed counselling chat

When you are sad is good to try to not think of anything at all. You could try: – walk up to a hill and check out the view. Count the shades of green you could see – hug a friend

Mentoring and Family Counselling watershedcounselling

We tend to stop being social when we feel sad and worried. That’s when our mind will bombard us with these ideas: He will not understand me She will think I am looking for attention He has his own issues to work on If he knows how I am he would not like me anymore

Couple and Individual Counselling watershedcounselling

Values are very important and all people around us seem to be trying to teach us their values. All of them are mum and dad, friends, school, government, and society, in general, are trying to direct us towards what they understand as their values.

watershed counselling individual first initial private or NDIS

Recently, many parents have been complaining that their children or teenagers refuse to go to school. Reluctance to wake up and get dressed, many visits to the first aid office, missing classes, or many complaints of physical pain or sicknesses like stomach aches, headaches or diarrhea may be signs of school refusal. It may be as well possible that defiance and anxiety are the reason.

Watershed counselling - Why can't you do it my way?

I knew what I wanted when I started dating but I didn’t have the belief to believe I could also get it.

watershedcounselling service background

The parent values stuff like: ✅Respect ✅Cleanliness ✅Accountability ✅Teamwork ✅Family The teenager values stuff like: ✅Friendship ✅Independence ✅Privacy ✅Daring ✅Fun

Communication Myths

It is important to recognise some misconceptions about communication. 1. Communication does not always require complete understanding; sometimes we just need to acknowledge what is happening to the other person.

Being well-informed and well-trained is a major priority for this practice. Our professional belongs to, and participates in the following counselling and psychotherapy and mental health organizations:

New Year Giveaway 3 x Exopulse Mollii Suit Therapy Sessions

We tailor our treatment approach based on your needs, and the best better fit for you based on your personality.  

To book an appointment call us at + 61 240 529 767 or fill the contact form