Your Scoring
For every (a) response, assign 3 points..................................................................................
For every (b) response, assign 2 points.........................................................................
For every (c) response, assign 1 point................................................................................
24-21 points: Congratulations! Your relationship demonstrates a strong foundation of emotional safety. Keep nurturing and reinforcing positive communication.
20-14 points: There is room for improvement in creating emotional safety. Consider exploring ways to enhance communication and connection in your relationship.
13-8 points: Emotional safety is a significant concern in your relationship. It may be beneficial to seek professional support to address communication challenges and work towards a healthier dynamic.
Remember, good enough relationships require work and skill that can be developed and strengthened over time. Use this quiz as a starting point for self-reflection and growth.
We encourage you to reach out to your counseling services for personalized guidance and support. .