Thank you for taking the "Should I stay?" quiz! Your commitment to understanding your relationship is commendable.

Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely to enhance the effectiveness of our therapy sessions.

The results from the quiz provide us with valuable insights into your relationship's challenges and needs. We would like to offer you the opportunity to discuss these findings further and explore how our services can support your relationship.

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Step 1 of 2

How would you describe the current level of communication in your relationship?
How do you and your partner typically handle disagreements?
Do you feel emotionally connected to your partner?
Have you noticed personal growth and development since being in this relationship?
How would you rate the level of trust in your relationship?
How would you describe the level of physical and emotional intimacy in your relationship?
Do you and your partner have aligned future goals and plans?
Do you find yourself harboring resentment towards your partner?
How do you feel about the idea of being alone or independent?